The media I consume

Edward Nevraumont
1 min readAug 31, 2020


Just putting this all in one place so I can link to it rather than re-sending each time I am asked. (last updated Aug 31/2020)

In no particular order:


  • Marginal Revolution
  • Kevin Drum (Mother Jones)
  • Daring Fireball
  • EconLog
  • SMBC
  • Collaborative Fund
  • askblog
  • AVC
  • Paul Graham Essays
  • Roots of Progress
  • SlateStarCodex


  • Stratechery
  • The Diff
  • A Media Operator
  • WSJ
  • Bloomberg
  • NYTs
  • WaPo
  • Economist
  • GoodBetterBest
  • Numlock news
  • The Dispatch
  • Browser


  • History of the Internet
  • Dithering
  • Planet Money
  • How I built This
  • Brought to you by
  • Business Schooled
  • The Insight
  • Invest Like the Best
  • Pessimists Archive
  • Presidential
  • Against the Rules
  • Conversations with Tyler
  • Exponent
  • Revisionist History
  • Wild Wild Tech
  • Without Fail


  • Reddit
  • Twitter
  • Inoreader
  • Hacker News
  • Wikipedia
  • Marvel Unlimited
  • Kindle
  • Audible



Edward Nevraumont

CMO/Advisor/Tsundoku ex-@ga @aplaceformom @expedia @mckinsey @wharton @proctergamble Author—MarketingBS