Links, Jan 27, 2017
In 1944 George Patton made a speech to his men before they invaded France. It’s not as famous as Four Score and Seven Years ago, but it’s worth reading. “You are not all going to die. Only two percent of you right here today would die in a major battle.”
I live a pretty good life. If I had 100 times my wealth I don’t think it would change my life very much. Except maybe I would get my own jet. Here is the article that convinced me.
I listen to podcast when I am running, and diving, and feeding the baby. Gimlet Media makes good podcasts. Good enough that I will at least try every new one they produce. Here is there list of NON-Gimlet podcasts that they recommend
Where did Princess Leia’s “double bun” hairstyle come from. George Lucas says he based it on South American revolutionaries. That makes a good story, but it turns out not to be true (even if that is what he believes). But the BBC tracked down where the hairstyle really comes from and where Lucas likely saw it
The economics of mobile homes by Priceonomics
Here is a detailed plan on how you can go from self-taught coder to an entry level Google Engineer
Hate beliefs are far higher in Eastern Germany than Western Germany. Here is an argument of why life under the USSR led to long term (negative) changes in the culture that persist to today
My favorite blog is Marginal Revolution. Here is a list of their top posts from 2016
The process by which kids stop believing in Santa Claus. It turns out they are smarter than we think — but we go to absurd lengths to convince them to keep believing